B2B Lead generation checklist

There's a ton of mediocrity in lead generation - both internally and outsourced. However, there are a lot of things that good outsourced operations and lead generation companies do well. While a lead generation technique is not brain surgery, there are many moving parts in a well-managed lead generation strategy. Failure to run and organize all moving parts could lead to poor results.

Here is DECK 7's top 5 checklist for lead generation to see where your business is at:

Definition of lead
Let's define a track. A universal definition of lead (ULD) is:

  • it matches the profile of your ideal client.
  • it was qualified as ready for sale.
  • it sets out the responsibilities and responsibilities of sales and marketing.
  • it makes marketing and sales more efficient.
  • If your organization is aware of this concept, generating leads becomes much easier for you. In addition, it also clarifies the type of lead generation efforts and the type of lead generation tool that you should use to deal with the increased conversion rate of your products / services.

Target, segment and test
How often does your team analyze the lists? Keep in mind that there is no good list, and remember that more expensive lists are not always more useful than cheap lists. The only way to provide the best lead generation services is to make sure your data is kept up to date. This is only possible by cleaning it regularly and keeping it up to date with the personality of the trendy shopper. Analyzing points that indicate buying trends and continually testing to optimize segmentation efforts is another way to make sure you are on the right path to B2B lead generation.

In one case, we saw a client who was about to send 750 “flat rate” $ 20 packages. I asked if they had tested the list for validity. They did not have. They thought they had paid a lot of money to get the list accurate. We offered to test the list for free and found that over 50% of the list would have gone to the wrong target audience. Many company names had no contact associated with the registration. It is the most common and persistent problem for businesses when it comes to lead generation. When marketing via email, verifying the quality of a new prospect through your lead generation software is extremely crucial. This is necessary because multiple people can contact you through your landing page. So testing whether they match your prospect's ideal criteria gives you the clarity to persuade them further and create appropriate lead nurturing activities. As tedious as this step is, it only improves the quality of your lead generation process.