What points should include for B2B lead generation

There is some disagreement about the value of research. A B2B marketer may say you just have to pick up the phone and make the call. Some marketers might believe that cold calling is unnecessary and ineffective. The main reason is that the lists made up of B2B prospects are not always accurate. Why else would someone in the lead generation industry receive multiple calls and emails from certain companies each week and multiple calls over time from the same companies? In such a scenario, what should you do that is different or unique for your potential customers? Using a 4 x 4 research approach means spending a total of four minutes on four different data sources that will shape the customer journey:

  • The prospect's website.
  • The contact's LinkedIn profile.
  • The subjects of the prospect's Twitter feed.

A general online search to see what shows up in the target audience's search history.
Analyzing these aspects gives you a chance to fill in the gaps in your lead generation funnel. Properly researching a potential lead will help your marketing team design demand generation strategies that will positively affect your inbound and outbound lead generation activities.

Often times, your good lead generation strategy can only improve with the number of times your prospects are contacted, whether by phone or email. Establishing multi-touch campaigns can help identify a quality prospect who is more likely to be ready to act, and when. This phase usually involves running a similar primary ad across multiple platforms and identifying where it performs best. It also includes creating a different landing page for each platform. While the multi-channel approach is common in digital marketing, it is increasingly used to generate quality leads.

Are you getting the maximum return on marketing programs? Well-executed lead nurture programs triple your B2B lead generation marketing ROI. Often underutilized, lead nurturing performed through various stages of outbound and inbound marketing can increase your lead rate by 5% to 15%. Along with effective content marketing and other activities for every lead you generate, you also need to generate a “pipeline”. A pipeline normally consists of a lead that is just one or two more actions of its conversion to a lead. Typically 20-25% of the time a pipeline has a qualified lead going into sales. Also, you will probably want to identify what we call "foods". Nurtures are the right company and the right contact, but not yet the right time.

While any of these areas of B2B lead generation may have room for improvement in your organization, DECK 7 can guide you with great lead management to help you get to where you need to go. Contact us today.