Role of Product Marketing in B2B Sales

It is a well established fact that the ongoing pandemic has greatly affected the way B2B marketers conduct product marketing. On average, B2B searchers perform 12 searches before committing to a specific brand's site. As there are few alternatives already to operate in this situation, statistics like this show clear signs that marketers should have a top notch SaaS product marketing strategy to thrive in these times.

Among the list of hurdles B2B SaaS marketers must overcome, technology product marketing ranks first, followed by the lack of a precise product marketing management technique. Additionally, lack of brand loyalty, difficulty understanding user intent, inability to convince customers for a repeat purchase, and the availability of too many choices are major barriers. for which marketers are unable to find a solution in the customer journey.

While the process of product marketing isn't any easier, questions such as why is product marketing important, who will market my product to me, and how to fight the battle of product marketing versus product stewardship continue to arise. 'to exist. With too many ifs and buts involved, B2B product marketers seemingly have a long way to go before they finally reveal the true potential of product marketing and all that surrounds it.

In this blog, we'll walk you through the heart of product marketing and provide you with information that will help you create a product marketing framework that ensures maximum return on your investment. Let's start!

Role of product marketing in B2B sales
Marketing a new software product simply means carrying out activities to increase brand visibility in order to generate more customers for that product. However, according to research from Deck 7, product marketing has been found to play other roles in accelerating B2B sales as well.

Your product needs to be noticed by the right audience for it to deliver the desired profit. The methodology of product marketing thus allows the correct positioning of your product by making it reach your target audience (TA). This activity is just as crucial in educating your audience as well as your sales team for effective communication. It works well when you are executing several new product marketing ideas. Here's an excerpt from a Media 7 interview with the CEO of the world's largest trade show and event organizer that highlights the importance of the format you choose to market your product in the current scenario.

Understanding the Competitors
While there are many ways to understand what your competition is doing, product marketing is one too. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your competition gives you an edge over them, allowing you to market your product in a certain way that will generate more sales.

Determine TA
Identifying your buyer personas isn't just about demographics, it's also about their preferences, past shopping experiences, and other similar factors. Product marketing in this area provides ideas for products to market, what type of people to target, and how much they are willing to pay.

Align the buyer's journey
Whether it is an IT product marketing strategy or any other B2B marketing strategy, product marketing plays a vital role. Because when you understand your buyer's needs and requirements, you can better place your product. Product marketing aligns the buyer's journey and helps them make buying decisions that work in your favor.

Definition of product benefits
Product marketing is a great way to explain the benefits of your product. B2B SaaS marketers can plan and execute a product marketing strategy highlighting the strengths of the product to convert potential buyers into pair customers.

Paving the way for future versions
Once you've launched a product, it's an ongoing loop of seasonal product marketing. Indeed, no brand would stop at one product. There will either be a range of products or different variations of the same product. Either way, product marketing helps collect intent data and customer analytics to help with all upcoming releases.