what is srategy for making Emails more engaging ?

If you are into B2B marketing, email marketing is an essential part of your business. But as effective as email marketing is, it’s not enough on its own.  In fact, 44% of the marketers say, increasing engagements is their number one challenge.

1. Avoid Generic Messaging and Offer Real Value to Your Subscribers

People want to interact with people, not mailboxes. Rather than sending generic content to each and every subscriber, take time to tailor your email content relevant to your best contacts and strongest leads. Segment by industry, location, spend, and other related factors that differentiate one section of your target audience from another. Highly focused email campaigns perform better and will keep your subscribers engaged. 

Real value can come in different forms. For example, if you want to educate your B2B customers about the service or solutions you provide, it can come in the form of a blog, an ebook, or in the form of valuable information like articles that walk readers through a process. Instead of saying something in a marketing tone like, ‘download this whitepaper’, explain why. Try painting a picture of how your whitepaper will lower their anxieties over a pain point they continually experience. 

40% of B2B marketers say email newsletters are most critical to their content marketing success. (Content Marketing Institute, 2017)

Statista offers its subscribers real value with every marketing email they send out. They run an ongoing daily campaign called “Chart of the Day” that promotes a data report on their site.

Providing a handful of relevant information, valuable insights, and breaking new statistics to your email subscribers will keep them interested in your daily updates and hence keep them more engaged.

2. Utilization of Interactive Content to Increase Interaction

The utilization of interactive content for email is the number one design trend in 2019. Emails that contain games, quizzes, image carousels, gifs, and visuals are going to keep the beneficiaries locked in. For example, a customer’s purchase should be followed by emails like a survey invitation that requires some action from the recipient. 

The use of interactive content can help boost sales for the brands that embrace interactivity.

3. Consider the Context of Your Emails

When a prospect gave you their email address, they did so for a particular reason. They sign up for your email list to get something useful and valuable. Don’t send them a generic mail promoting all of your products. Send them an email they want and need. If you want your email engagement rate to go up after they get what they came for, you need to give them things they value. Here are some ways you can actually engage with your subscribers and generate revenue from the list:

  • Design a paid email course
  • Share links to featured product pages on your website
  • Regularly offer exclusive sales and discounts
  • Create a lead nurturing email series
  • Provide them gated content

If you're rendering valuable content and you have a passion for what you're doing, you're already halfway there. But always remember not to overdo it. Sometimes you can provide them more educational emails. 

You already have lots of data about your users. Use that information to teach people something about themselves. When you educate them about themselves, their interest will be even more heightened. It’s not only a compelling email to open, but it also motivates people to re-engage to gain more insights about their behavior and progress. 

Every Friday, Mint—the personal, online financial manager—sends a customized statement of illuminating information for all of their customers’ accounts, straight to their inbox.

Wrapping up With Bonus Tips

As we head into 2020, it’s your chance to give your email programs a restart with efforts on innovation and creativity to keep pace with demanding customers.

  • Always focus on getting feedback from surveys, testimonials, and online reviews to evaluate your approach of creating a long-term relationship with your prospect.
  • Find out where your customer engages more, on mobile or desktop. Once you are aware of this data, send them emails that suit their preferences for better engagement.

(Mobile opens accounted for 46% of all email opens)

(Apple iPhone is the most popular mobile client for reading emails with 29% of all opens occurring on this platform. Gmail is a close runner-up at 27% {Campaign Monitor, 2018})

  • Research and find out what customers want to engage with. It can be an offer, an announcement they are expecting from you, maybe a discount coupon, an informative article or news updates, educational blog post or whitepaper, or maybe they can expect a webinar mail. Make a note of your most engaging emails and use them effectively.

Smart email marketing is essential to the success of any inbound marketing program. Find out what works for you depending on your industry and audience. If you need further help, you can connect with our Deck 7 email marketing specialist today to leverage the power of email marketing campaigns and to keep pace with demanding customers.